About Us
L’iPAT-LAB explore des technologies et des applications novatrices d’accélération de particules générées par lasers avec un accent particulier sur la médecine, l’énergie, l’astrophysique, la science des matériaux et le patrimoine culturel. Les nouvelles applications sont basées sur l’accélération des particules par lasers à haute intensité qui est un domaine d’intérêt croissant depuis environ une décennie. iPAT-LAB étudie où ces faisceaux de particules peuvent déclencher de nouvelles applications ou apporter une valeur ajoutée à celles existantes. Le groupe, composé de collaborateurs motivés et talentueux issus de différents pays et ayant des origines diverses, travaille de manière répartie et en réseau, en profitant des meilleurs équipements disponibles dans le monde.
The Canadian Foundation for Innovation funds the ipat-lab
for a new infrastructure
On June 18 the Board of the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has awarded P. Antici a grant within its program "Fonds des leaders" in order to establish the Laboratory for the laser-driven proton beams and applications. The total amount...
M. Barberio wins a Posterprize at the NIF/JLF Users meeting
M. Barberio won the third posterprize during the 2015 NIF/JLF user's meeting with her contribution related to "Laser-driven protons for material science". Congratulations !
P. Antici elected Senior Member or IEEE
The Chair of the IEEE Admission and Advancement Committee, Don Wright, elevated P. Antici's Membership to Senior Member: "It is a great pleasure to congratulate you on your elevation to the grade of IEEE Senior member. IEEE Senior Membership is...
P. Antici elected Fellow of the European Physical Society
During the last general assembly, P. Antici has been elected Fellow of the European Physical Society for his outstanding contribution to physics. “It’s a great honour to be part of such an elite scientific group, and I am very...
P. Antici elected Fellow of the Institute of Physics
P. Antici has been elected fellow of the Institute of Physics. The Panel agreed that “P. Antici is a highly talented and accomplished person with interesting and varied experience in multiple fields and disciplines. He is still in the...
P. Antici invited to the World Science Forum
P. Antici has been invited to participate in the World Science Forum. In convening a World Conference on Science for the Twenty-First Century: a New Commitment, from 26 June to 1 July 1999 in Budapest, Hungary, the United Nations...
C. Liberatore awarded Poster prize
C. Liberatore has been awarded the second Poster prize at the 2015 International Workshop on EUV and Soft X-Ray Sources, November 9-11, 2015 in Dublin ▪ Ireland with her contribution entitled "Absorption of EUV radiation in matter and related...